senior fitness

3 Great Warm-ups For Senior Fitness

Anyone participating in a senior fitness program should

perform this warm-up


I have 3 great functional movements for you to perform before beginning any senior fitness exercise program. A warm-up is designed to prepare your body to do exercise or any sports activity. We used to always say stretch, but that is not necessarily correct anymore. A functional warm-up with specific movements not only stretches the body but prepares the muscles, joints, and nervous system to take on any planned physical activity.

A functional warm-up is defined as movements or patterns of movements that encompass all three planes of motion. It also can mimic the movements of a sport. For example, a warm-up for golf would be different than a warm-up for tennis, or pickleball.

As you watch the attached video please recognize that you can adapt the movement based on your current ability. I show a lunge with trunk/arm mobility, but you can shorten both of those motions if you have a range of motion or balance limitations.

Please review the video and if you have any questions or comments let me know.